Academic Research and Writing Services

Are you a student of higher education? Do you or your organization require an able researcher, educator or curricula designer? If your reply is yes, Michelle Kaye Malsbury can help.

As an educator and mentor she presented numerous pro bono conferences on Anti-Bullying and Conflict Resolution for the various residence halls across the University of Memphis campus, Peer Power Foundation, The Lewis Senior Centers (Memphis, TN), Asheville Christian Academy, Management Advisory Group, Ellie Pechet Counseling, Highland Lake Cove Retreat (Asheville/Hendersonville, NC)

Michelle taught Business Communication and Human Resource Management for the

University of Memphis’s Fogelman College of Business and Economics in Memphis, TN.

She designed the curricula and taught Creative Writing for Senior’s for the prestigious Center for Creative Aging in Memphis, TN.

Michelle was Director of Communication and Development for two educational based not for profits-Peer Power Foundation in Memphis, TN and KidExpression in Carlsbad, CA. She wrote curricula that helped the at-risk high schoolers across the Greater Memphis, TN area to score better on their ACT/SAT’s and aided them in preparing their entrance essays for college. (Peer Power Foundation) While working for and with KidExpression she gave direction to their board by devising a cohesive vision/mission and networked to find local sources for funding so they could teach children of all ages the art and craft of creative writing.

Michelle’s anti-bullying seminars have helped a variety of organizations and personnel to foment harmony in the workplace. (NC and TN) Her skills in negotiation, mediation, and conflict resolution (transformational, problem-solving, and restorative) are nothing short of amazing. She can personalize all or one of these workshops for your specific organizational needs. To obtain more insight or information about those services or to invite her to deliver an industry-wide presentation please contact her here.

Michelle is an adept researcher in both quantative and qualitative areas. She has researched and written hundreds of papers for doctoral and master’s degree level students across the globe on a variety of topics from psychology to business, from monetary policies and construction management to governmental policy analysis, etc..

She can easily navigate APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard style paper formatting or any other that your educational facility requires. Timetables and deadlines vary greatly depending on the difficulty of these projects so please reserve her well in advance.


For a free personalized quote please click here.


All academic writing assignments must include:

  • exact directions on formatting (AMA, MLA, Chicago styles)
  • page count or word count
  • references to be used for creation of paper such as:
    • articles and authors
    • access to online library resources

No assignments will be accepted with less than a 10 day lead time for submission.


To create freelance content that educates, inspires, delights, and informs!


To create freelance strategies for organizations and leaders that enhance visibility, builds engagement, and drives credibility and income.

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