A Covid Christmas

Dec 18, 20202020, children, China, unemployment

Christmas Prior to 2020

Greetings Everyone. I know I am not the only one who is feeling the difference between this Holiday Season and those prior to Covid. I remember with fondness those wonderful family and work gatherings where toasts were made, food and fun was shared, gifts were exchanged, and there was a respite before the next year began. That has all gone by the wayside this year.

Gone are the large family and friend filled events that ushered in the Christmas Holiday Season of years before. Travel has been curtailed, entire states or cities are under lockdown and curfew, mask wearing is the new norm, social distancing is the only way to see people safely. All facets of our lives have changed due to this deadly, in many instances, and easily transmittable virus.

According to covidstatistics.org this is the status of that virus thus far. Total Cases: 73,803,320Total Deaths1,641,440Total Recovered: 51,813,957. The entire world has been impacted by this virus. Can we ever recover and begin life anew? I certainly hope so. However, these statistics may prove otherwise. While the chart below does not depict every country around the world, it is a snapshot of where we are at this point in time. (Chart taken from covidstatistics.org)

According to the website https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R46554 these are the latest unemployment tallies for the US.

The unemployment rate rose quickly in March 2020, and by April 2020 it had greatly surpassed its
previous peaks observed during and just after the Great Recession. This spike in unemployment
coincided with various mandated stay-at-home orders implemented in response to the
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and other pandemic-related factors affecting
U.S. demand.3 Although unemployment rates have declined since April, the November rate
(6.7%) remains almost twice as high as the rate observed during February (3.5%). 

Nearly everyone has been touched in one way or another by this virus. The Vaccine is hailed to be the cure, but is it really? Personally, I think it (the vaccine) has been rushed to try to get ahead of this virus and not tested enough. However, everyone should have their own opinion about that. Will you take it when it is available to the general populace? I assure you I will not.

Even if this article appears to be filled with gloom and doom I assure you that is not my end result. The idea here is not to make us more depressed than we already are, but to try to force some facsimile of hope into what has become a rather bleak situation. We cannot change what already is, but maybe we can change what is yet to be. Can we all join together in positive thoughts and deeds? Out with the old and in with brand new. Let’s make a promise to try our best to remain cheerful, loving, and safe this holiday season so 2021 can usher in the healthiest and most prosperous year yet.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to ALL.


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