Sep 28, 2021 | 2021, Astro signs, Astrology, Career, conversations, Horoscopes, Listening, long distance romances, love, marriage, money, motions, peace, relationships, romance, social media, society, Taurus, texting, understanding, World
Communication bungled? Feeling downright indecisive? You are not alone. Maybe Mercury Retrograde is to blame. What is Mercury Retrograde you ask? Mercury is now in Libra and moving the reverse (backwards) of what she normally does. She came to this position on...
Apr 29, 2019 | 2019, Aries, Astro signs, Astrology, communication, love, relationships, self awareness, Taurus
Moods, emotions, and actions can be tied to what is occurring planetarily speaking. For instance, at this time Mercury is in Aries until May 6th when it turns into Taurus. Venus is also in Aries and will enter Taurus on May 15th. Mars is in Gemini and moves into...
Apr 15, 2019 | Aries, Astro signs, Astrology, communication, love, relationships, Zodiac
The transit of various planets does affect us as a person as does the moon. They play a role in our behavior, thoughts, and feelings. Here is a brief chart of how those planets control our actions and relationships taken from...
Apr 6, 2019 | 2019, Aries, Astro signs, Astrology, New moon energy, Zodiac
April 5th was the new moon and it moved into Aries. The various phases of the moon affect us and understanding that dynamic can help us navigate our lives with increased purpose. This sector will enable us to begin new projects, jobs, or relationships. Furthermore,...
Jan 21, 2019 | 2019, Astro signs, Astrology, Career, Horoscopes, Lunar eclipse
The Full Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo occurred on the 21st of January 2019. It may not happen again until 2022. It is also termed the Wolf Moon. Whether you are a sideline horoscope reader or fully into learning your special qualities as a healer, empath, or...