May 20, 2023 | 9/11, climate change, conversations, Earth Day, earthquakes, economic development, economy, education, El Nino, environment, EPA, Everglades, FEMA, finance, Florida, Florida Keys, FWC, history, hurricanes, News, NOA weather, NOAA, observatories, oceans, regulators, rivers, society, stars, sun, Tsunami, waterways, waves, weather, weather forecasting, weather fronts
Most everyone has heard about FEMA, but do you know what they actually do? Let me explain it here. President Jimmy Carter created FEMA back in 1979. At that time they had two tasks. One was that of civil defense and the other was emergency management. Congress defined...
May 16, 2023 | beaches, boating, children, earthquakes, economic development, economy, education, EPA, Everglades, FEMA, Florida, Florida Keys, FWC, government, hurricanes, News, NOAA, observatories, oceans, rivers, USA, waterways, waves, weather, weather fronts, World, yachting
Whether you believe in climate change or not there is a cyclical weather pattern that comes and goes with regularity. It is called the El Nino and La Nina. El Nino means the little boy in Spanish. La Nina means little girl in Spanish. How does that affect us? El Nino...
May 2, 2023 | 3d pring, 3D printing, communication, computer software, computers, currency, economy, education, empowerment, environment, hurricanes, innovation, money, News, oceans, rivers, sewage disposal, skils, society, technology, US Census Bureau, USA, workforce, workplaces, World, world history
Have you ever marveled at how some of the truly ancient structures (The Basilica of Constantine in Trier, Germany; Newgrange in Boyne Valley, Ireland; the Great Wall of China; the Roman Coliseum/Flavian Amphitheatre in Rome, Italy, etc..) around the world are still...
Mar 9, 2023 | avalanches, California, climate change, earth, Earth Day, environment, EPA, Everglades, hurricanes, USA, waves, World, yachting
I offer up the following as a definition for what we call a tsunami. Tsunami is of Japanese origin. “Tsu” meaning harbor and “Nami” waves. You may also hear these waves referred to as tidal waves or even seismic waves. Both of those can be somewhat misleading in that...
Nov 14, 2022 | 2020 Census, 2021, 2022, banks, Cpaitalism, economy, employees, hurricanes, society, US Census Bureau
When did this housing market become untenable? I live in Florida and about a year ago I was in the market to purchase a home. I began looking in the greater Naples are because I was living there. I made some offers and they were outbid. I got a job in St. Augustine...
Oct 1, 2022 | 2022, economy, Florida, Florida Keys, FWC, government, hurricanes, new releases, News, REd Cross
Living in Florida since 1982 I have seen my share of hurricanes and the damage they exact. It is never easy to see especially if the target is where you or your friends and family reside. Amazingly after all of these years I have been relatively unscathed. For most of...