Space Governance
Feb 17, 2023 | 1970, 1980, 1990s, 2019, 2020, 2020 Census, 2021, 2022, 2023. Stepehn Hawking, 3D printing, airplanes and travel, alpha Centari, Apollo, Apollo 11, Astronauts, Challenger, China, communication, Communism, congress, conversations, Cosmonauts, Cpaitalism, Drone ships, economy, England, environment, EPA, ERSA, European Space Agency, exploration, galaxies, Gateway Space Station, government, HALO, Harvard University, innovation, lift ships, Lunar eclipse, military aircraft, milkyway galaxy, money, moon, News, peace, planets, rocket science, Rockets, Russia, Space, space disasters, Space Exploration, space missions, Space Race, Space Shuttle, Spaceshot, speed of light, stars, UFOs, USA, World
Have you ever wondered if there are any guidelines for what is and is not allowed in space? More than fifty years ago some parameters were set in place regarding space exploration. However, a lot has changed technologically, and as such things may need to be revised...Breakthrough Starshot
Feb 1, 2023 | 2022, Astronauts, communication, Florida, government, history, Kennedy Space Center, Listening, Lunar eclipse, milkyway galaxy, money, News, society, Space, Space Exploration, Space Race, USA, World
Before he died Theoretical Physicist Stephen Hawking wanted mankind to reach the stars. He gathered a group of top scientists to create what is now called Breakthrough Starshot. Yuri Milner is funding it. What they intended to do was to create a small light-propelled...Categories
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