Rental Frenzy

This article is about the rental of homes and apartments in Florida, more specifically the St. Augustine area which is located on the northeastern side of Florida. Pre-pandemic things were smooth sailing. Homes were rented for fair prices and renters were not gouged...

Governor Ron DeSantis on Immigration in Florida

I love news and politics but have purposely stayed on the edge of this illegal immigration fray. Now it is on the fore of my home state’s news thanks to Governor DeSantis. Let me unravel it here for those of you who have not heard what it is about. I will, however,...

SVB Failure; is it the first in a string of more?

SVB is Sillicon Valley Bank. They were founded in 1983. SVB failed this past Friday, March 10th, 2023, and was overtaken by federal regulators. They were not your typical bank as they specialized in tech startups and had actually financed nearly one-half of all...

A Glance into the Greek Islands

Greece is known for its rich culture, raw unparalleled beauty, and delectable cuisine. It has been a dream of mine to go there one day in the not-too-distant future. In this article I will highlight the Greek Islands. Amorgos is a place to go if you simply want to...


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