Machine Learning (ML): Supervised, Semisupervised, and Unsupervised

Machine Learning (ML) is shaking up the rapidly moving artificial intelligence (AI) industry in the technology sector. There are various types of machine learning that range from supervised to semisupervised and unsupervised. I will attempt to outline how they work...

H.R.4346, Chips and Science Act

The Chips and Science Act was introduced in 2021 and became law in 2022. This act is a direct result of America choosing to compete with China in the areas of semiconductors and microelectronics research and development. It provides funding incentives to include: the...

Artificial General Intelligence v Artificial Intelligence

Most of you are aware of what artificial intelligence (AI) is capable of, but artificial general intelligence (AGI) is the next step up in machine learning (ML). Neither technology is new per sae. Both were conceived in the 1950s and 1960s. The experts who could...

Claude and Claude 2

I am so curious about the emerging artificial intelligence (AI) marketplace and what it means for business, education, and our personal lives now and in the future. This article will highlight Claude 2 and how it differentiates itself from Google Bard or OpenAi’s...

Risks of ChatGPT

I have written extensively previously about ChatGPT and Google Bard, and Microsoft CoPilot. All are forms of artificial intelligence (AI) tools that use natural language processing (NLP) to generate responses in human-like tones. This is termed generative AI....

Artificial Intelligence – Good or Bad?

Technology is speeding along faster than any of us could have imagined. I am sure that most of us have now heard about Chat GPT, Microsoft Copilot, Claude, and Google Bard. All are state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) platforms that...


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