May 18, 2023 | Artificial intelligence, Career, Celebrations, coding, communication, conversations, cybersecurity, employees, empowerment, Gen Z, history, innovation, Instagram, internet security, jobs, learning, Learning machines, manufacturing, marketing, mathematics, metaverse, Millenials, money, regulators, science, self awareness, social media, tech companies, technology, texting, trade, understanding, USA, virtual reality, writing services, writing schools, writing
I have previously highlighted ChatGPT and now I will attempt to tell you how ChatGPT and Google Bard differ. Let’s dive in. Both Chat GPT and Google Bard are artificial intelligence (AI) generative chatbots. What that means is that they (both AI programs) deliver...
May 12, 2023 | balancing the budget, banks, bitcoins, blockchain, Boomers, coding, communication, conversations, cryptocurrency, cryptopunk, currency, cybersecurity, economy, education, finance, gold, government, hacking, innovation, News, regulators, technology, trade, World
Blockchain is not a new concept, but do you know what it is and does? Reading up on it can be confusing. In this short article, I will attempt to outline Blockchain in layperson’s terms. Let’s begin by dissecting the above diagram. Ledger implies that it is a form of...
Mar 18, 2023 | 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023. Stepehn Hawking, Apollo, Apollo 11, Artificial intelligence, Astronauts, astronomy, carbon emissions, Challenger, computer software, Cosmonauts, economy, European Space Agency, galaxies, Gateway Space Station, history, innovation, JAXA, Kakuda Space Center, Kennedy Space Center, moon, News, rocket science, Rockets, Soviet, Space, Space Exploration, space missions, Space Race, Space Shuttle, Spaceshot, speed of light, stars, tech companies, technology, trade, USA, World, world history
Japan has not previously been a player in the space race. However, the Japanese Space Exploration Agency or JAXA has entered the prospect of space and all that entails in a big way in the wake of Russia being cut off from the European marketplace due to their invasion...
Feb 7, 2023 | Artists, Christians, Civil War, coastal cruising, conversations, earth, economy, environment, Florida, Florida Keys, Greece, Greek Islands, Greeks, history, innovation, money, Movie Stars, music, News, Orthodoxy, passover, peace, real estate, religion, romance, society, trade, War, yachting
Greece is known for its rich culture, raw unparalleled beauty, and delectable cuisine. It has been a dream of mine to go there one day in the not-too-distant future. In this article I will highlight the Greek Islands. Amorgos is a place to go if you simply want to...
Sep 24, 2021 | 2021, clean marinas, clean yacht clubs, Earth Day, economy, EPA, government, green technologies, money, trade, USA, World
What is carbon pricing and what can it do to lessen the impact of greenhouse gas? “Carbon pricing is an instrument that captures the external costs of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions—the costs of emissions that the public pays for, such as damage to crops, health care...
May 23, 2020 | 2020, banks, bitcoins, books, Career, children, China, communication, conversations, economy, gold, history, money, News, promises, social media, texting, trade, USA
Do you ever contemplate how much our moods and perspectives are shaped by our exterior world? I feel as if I have fallen asleep and woke up to A Brave New World. (Aldus Huxley, 1932) Once people gathered together and communed as one sharing ideas, collaborating. In...