Jan 8, 2021 | civil unrest, Civil War, Cpaitalism, freedom, history, money, peace, society, USA, Vietnam, World
Two days ago we watched President Trump deliver an incendiary speech that incited a riot on the Capital of the United States in Washington, DC. His supporters say he did nothing wrong. He was saving our nation and our people from certain socialism. peacefully...
Dec 27, 2020 | Artists, Beatles, Civil right, civil unrest, communication, England, freedom, John Lennon, music, peace, promises, Singers, society, understanding, USA, Vietnam, War, World, Yoko Ono
I was born in 1961. On February 7th, 1964 the Beatles came to America and the world of music has never been the same. I grew up listening to the Beatles. I loved them then and love them now. I even had these bubble bath characters of the Beatles from Avon and oh how I...
May 11, 2020 | 1970, Earth Day, economy, history, hurricanes, Kennedy Space Center, money, new releases, Space Exploration, USA, Vietnam, War, World
Do you recall where you were and what you were doing in 1970? Here’s a little glimpse into the past. The Concorde made its first supersonic flight from Toulouse, France at 3:30 pm with test pilot Andre Turcat at the helm. It lasted twenty-seven minutes and had the...
Jul 5, 2019 | F-15 Eagle, F-15 fighter jet, military aircraft, USA, Vietnam, Wings of Fire
The following is a new book of mine that will be coming out in 2020 or late 2019. It has become a passion of mine to write about military aircraft as a non-military woman. I hope you will buy it when it is available. Enjoy the prelude. The 1960’s were a tumultuous...