Jul 9, 2022 | Active Listening, conversations, divorce, Listening, long distance romances, love, newly weds, promises, relationships, romance, self awareness, social media, society, texting, understanding, USA, World
I was trying to think about something to write about that could be timelessly helpful my readers regardless of where they are in their lives. The topic I settled on was healthy relationships. So let’s jump in. Almost everyone has had at least one relationship...
Oct 15, 2021 | 2021, Career, communication, Listening, relationships, self awareness, understanding
What is Content Development? Content development is the process of researching/analyzing what is to be taught and determining what outcomes are desired. It involves gathering information/content for those learning objectives, organizing the content or information to...
Sep 22, 2021 | 2021, Active Listening, communication, love, marriage, promises, relationships, romance, self awareness, social media, society, texting, understanding
Wow, communication has changed so much in my lifetime. It’s unbelievable really. Technology has literally changed the way we communicate by connecting us with the world which is both good and bad. There are any number of apps that allow us to create videos or...
Apr 9, 2019 | communication, conversations, long distance romances, love, marriage, motions, self awareness, texting, understanding
What we say matters. Words are so powerful. They can bouy, heal, caress, transport, and more. Incredible harm can also be done if our words project anger, hate, or cruelty. Language has been used as a tool over time to massage malleable minds, coerce followers for...
Apr 6, 2019 | 2019, Aries, Astro signs, Astrology, New moon energy, Zodiac
April 5th was the new moon and it moved into Aries. The various phases of the moon affect us and understanding that dynamic can help us navigate our lives with increased purpose. This sector will enable us to begin new projects, jobs, or relationships. Furthermore,...