Jan 29, 2022 | Uncategorized
I was watching the Hallmark Channel on a cold winter day when I saw a commercial for a new movie about two butlers who fall in love. I watched Downtown Abbey and loved it! The characters were believable and endearing. The scenery was beyond amazing. The homes and the...
Oct 15, 2021 | 2021, Career, communication, Listening, relationships, self awareness, understanding
What is Content Development? Content development is the process of researching/analyzing what is to be taught and determining what outcomes are desired. It involves gathering information/content for those learning objectives, organizing the content or information to...
Jan 8, 2021 | civil unrest, Civil War, Cpaitalism, freedom, history, money, peace, society, USA, Vietnam, World
Two days ago we watched President Trump deliver an incendiary speech that incited a riot on the Capital of the United States in Washington, DC. His supporters say he did nothing wrong. He was saving our nation and our people from certain socialism. peacefully...
Dec 18, 2020 | 2020, children, China, unemployment
Greetings Everyone. I know I am not the only one who is feeling the difference between this Holiday Season and those prior to Covid. I remember with fondness those wonderful family and work gatherings where toasts were made, food and fun was shared, gifts were...
May 23, 2020 | 2020, banks, bitcoins, books, Career, children, China, communication, conversations, economy, gold, history, money, News, promises, social media, texting, trade, USA
Do you ever contemplate how much our moods and perspectives are shaped by our exterior world? I feel as if I have fallen asleep and woke up to A Brave New World. (Aldus Huxley, 1932) Once people gathered together and communed as one sharing ideas, collaborating. In...