How many of you think you have seen a UFO or what is now termed UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena)?
The sighting of UFOs dates back to 1066 under the reign of King Harold II of England and has been depicted in deciphered tapestries (Bayeux Tapestry) from that time period. At that time people believed that Halley’s Comet brought bad luck in war, specifically the Norman Invasion. King Harold II was killed in the Norman Invasions Battle of Hastings. (
In the summer of 2020, the Pentagon under the direction of Deputy Secretary of Defense David L. Norquist created what they call the UAP Task Force or UAPTF to look into any observable UFO sightings by the US Military. The pentagon has unclassified three videos that had been captured by US Naval pilots that at cursory glance show UAPs. The videos depict rapidly moving objects that were of indeterminate origins. These people working under the UAPTF are organized in an official capacity to investigate and catalog any UAPs that might potentially harm our national security by coming into our airspace which our military takes quite seriously. That is a pretty tall order. (
These below are direct transcripts from CNBC News on that event from the pilots of the Navy who saw these suspicious crafts in the sky. (
“Dude, this is a f–king drone, bro,” one pilot is heard saying. Another says “there’s a whole fleet of them.”
“They’re all going against the wind. The wind’s 120 knots to the west. Look at that thing, dude!” the first person says. “It’s rotating!”
Supposedly this task (UAPTF) force came in the wake of a nine-page congressionally mandated report that designated what the UAPTF mission was and how they could proceed with their research as well as finding 18 of over 144 UFOs moved in ways that could not be easily explained. For instance, some could fly with incredible speed and adeptness and others floated or hovered with no apparent means of propulsion. The UAPTF falls under the supervision of the Department of the Navy with direct oversight provided by the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security. ( ( “We have things flying over our military bases and places where we are conducting military exercises, and we don’t know what it is and it isn’t ours, so that’s a legitimate question to ask,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla), acting chair of the intelligence panel, told WFOR-TV in Miami
“We have things flying over our military bases and places where we are conducting military exercises, and we don’t know what it is and it isn’t ours, so that’s a legitimate question to ask,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla), acting chair of the intelligence panel, told WFOR-TV in Miami . “Frankly, if it’s something from outside this planet, that might actually be better than the fact that we’ve seen some sort of technological leap on behalf of the Chinese or the Russians or some other adversary,” he added. (
The predecessor of the UAPTF was Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program or AATIP. That project ran from 2007 until they lost funding to continue in 2012. (
Recently our USN or US Navy produced guidelines that invited their pilots to share their unexplained sightings in the sky. No longer should fear hold their tongues mute. This led credibility to further scientific study and the sharing of evidence of the same. (
The Galileo Project was created in 2021 to investigate signs of “extraterrestrial technological civilizations” (ETCs) or better known as life outside of earth/aliens. Specifically, these scientists look into chance observations and mainstream legends of confirmed scientific research. The people who are lucky enough to work on this project work in concert with SETI. (
The Galileo Project has two specific goals that mirror their designated areas to study. (
- To look at observations of objects in close proximity to the Earth’s atmosphere by extricating those that belong to AI due to their specific learning algorithms aimed at known classifications for objects. To look into the plausibility of extraterrestrial phenomena by investigating the data and characteristics of these anomalies.
- To note the differences between known special objects, i.e. comets, meteors, etc., and what is now termed “Oumuamua” using space-based observations and other means to determine their validity or lack thereof.
Regardless of the outcome of this project, the participants might gather some interesting data sets that spurn further inquiry and perhaps better explanations of these interesting interstellar objects which remain inexplicable at this time.
Do you have key information to share? Contact Professor Avi Loeb, Harvard Astronomy Center for Astrophysics, at
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