May 16, 2023 | beaches, boating, children, earthquakes, economic development, economy, education, EPA, Everglades, FEMA, Florida, Florida Keys, FWC, government, hurricanes, News, NOAA, observatories, oceans, rivers, USA, waterways, waves, weather, weather fronts, World, yachting
Whether you believe in climate change or not there is a cyclical weather pattern that comes and goes with regularity. It is called the El Nino and La Nina. El Nino means the little boy in Spanish. La Nina means little girl in Spanish. How does that affect us? El Nino...
Mar 11, 2023 | 2021, 2022, boating, California, children, Coast Guard, coastal cruising, death, environment, EPA, Florida Keys, slews, USA, waterways, waves, weather
In my younger days, when I first moved to Florida, I was pretty careless about going into the water whether it was day or night. I never ever gave the possibility of being bitten by a shark a second thought. In retrospect that was entirely remiss. Let me explain more....
Feb 7, 2023 | Artists, Christians, Civil War, coastal cruising, conversations, earth, economy, environment, Florida, Florida Keys, Greece, Greek Islands, Greeks, history, innovation, money, Movie Stars, music, News, Orthodoxy, passover, peace, real estate, religion, romance, society, trade, War, yachting
Greece is known for its rich culture, raw unparalleled beauty, and delectable cuisine. It has been a dream of mine to go there one day in the not-too-distant future. In this article I will highlight the Greek Islands. Amorgos is a place to go if you simply want to...
Oct 1, 2022 | 2022, economy, Florida, Florida Keys, FWC, government, hurricanes, new releases, News, REd Cross
Living in Florida since 1982 I have seen my share of hurricanes and the damage they exact. It is never easy to see especially if the target is where you or your friends and family reside. Amazingly after all of these years I have been relatively unscathed. For most of...
Jan 17, 2022 | 2020, 2020 Census, 2021, banks, Career, employees, Florida, Florida Keys, News, unemployment, US Census Bureau, workforce
Life as we know it has been changed, perhaps forever, due to Covid. Jobs have changed from entirely being at the office to hybrid or remote in many circumstances. As people adjust to this new “normal: some states have seen huge influxes of people moving into them....
Oct 19, 2021 | 2021, boating, Coast Guard, coastal cruising, DEP, EPA, Florida, Florida Keys, USA, waterways, yachting
Before we get started it may be helpful to understand exactly what a bouy is and does. Do you know what a bouy is and does? A bouy is a device that floats on the water and assists boaters in navigating the waterways. Bouys are used to warn vessel operators of dangers...