Ohi or Oxi Day

Oct 28, 2018Germany, Greece, Greek History, Italy, Ohi Day, WWII

Many of you may not know what Oxi or Ohi Day is and this article is intended to educate and help the Greek Orthodox around the globe celebrate this auspicious day. October 28th holds a special place in the hearts and homes of the Greek Orthodox community from Greece thru Serbia, into Cyprus, and across the world. Why is that?

The Greek Flag

Italian forces had entered Pindus early on the morning of October 28th, 1940 hoping the people of Greece would be fast asleep. Instead, the people in this village rushed out into the streets calling Ohi or Oxi at the Italian troops. Oxi or Ohi in Greek means No.


The Greek Prime Minister, Ioannis Metaxis, was there handing out an ultimatum given by Benito Mussolini, in French which was the language of diplomats at that time, to allow his troops to enter and occupy Greece without opposition or suffer the consequences. Expiration of this ultimatum was at 5:30 am. The Greeks did not stand still. They fought vociferously.

However, their freedom did not last. By 1941 Greece had fallen to Hitler and the Germans with the Italians at their side. Again, they came over the Pindus mountains. They did not stop there. They took Crete, Athens, and much more. This time Greece could not thwart them from overtaking their cities and islands. A Swastika was raised over the Acropolis.

The Swastika being raised over the Acropolis.

Each year on the anniversary of October 28th Greek people everywhere celebrate Ohi or Oxi Day with parades of both students and their military. Bravo to Greece and her citizens for giving it a splendid shot. Had they not fought so hard for their country it would have fallen far sooner. Let this serve as a beacon to the other countries who are in peril. They should stand united to keep their countries free and sovereign.





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